Capital Tirana
Continent eu
Region Southern Europe
'22 Population 2,866,374
Independence 1912
Flag Adoption 1912
Currency Albanian Lek

Meaning of the Flag

The main element of the national flag is the double-headed eagle. Albania has used the eagle as a symbole since the Middle Ages. Originally, it was used by noble families and then by Albanian nationals. The eagle represented the people's will to obtain independence from the Ottoman Empire. Once independence was achieved, this symbol became a national symbol.

Flag Colors

Flag History

Flag of Albania 1 Flag of Albania 2 Flag of Albania 3 Flag of Albania 4



1925 - 1928

1928 - 1939

Flag of Albania 5 Flag of Albania 6

1944 - 1946

1945 - 1992

The double-headed eagle was first used by John Hunyadi during his campaign against the Ottomans. This symbol was also used by noble families and Albanian nationalists during the 18th century.

In 1912, the flag was officially adopted by the nation after its independence from the Ottoman Empire. King Zog added a crown to the flag's symbol during his reign in the 1920s through 1930s. After World War II, the flag was modified to include a five-pointed gold star to represent communism. This symbol was later removed after the collapse of the government. The modern design of the flag has been used since April 7, 1992.

Fun Facts

Albanians of Kosovo have unofficially flown the Albanian national flag since the 1960s. Today, a different flag is used to avoid symbols of ethnic groups.